By Rochester Attorneys, for Rochester People
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Getting more parenting time as your kids age: The teen years
As your children age, you may find that they’re becoming more independent. Some may begin to question their custody arrangements or begin saying that they have their own preferences for where to live or when they come and go. Teenage custody plans can be tough, but it’s important to give your teen an opportunity to help you build it if you want to have quality parenting time with them.

3 Common questions unmarried fathers have about child custody
Child custody can be stressful no matter your situation. But unmarried fathers may have a particularly difficult time knowing what rights they are entitled to when seeking custody of their children.

Could a DWI affect child custody arrangements?
Minnesota courts want to ensure the safety of the child before anything else, which means they must look through parents’ criminal histories to determine the best arrangement for the child’s interests. Your co-parent could easily use a DWI charge as collateral to sole custody of your child.

Parents can protect their kids by selecting a guardian
As a parent of minor children, you may think that you do not own enough possessions of value to bother with an estate plan. However, an estate plan can serve several purposes beyond passing on possessions. You may find it especially valuable to use a last will and testament to select a guardian for your minor children.